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How nTLDs Affect Your Website SEO

How nTLDs Affect Your Website SEO

Nowadays, with over 2 billion websites available on the Internet, register a domain name that doesn’t exist before or isn’t absurd is difficult. You may have heard the stories such as new businesses getting into trouble finding their selected domain name on which they spent a lot of money and even invested in a logo, […]

Dedicated Hosting vs. VPS Hosting – Which One Is Better?

Dedicated Hosting vs. VPS Hosting – Which One Is Better?

Choosing a new home for your website could be challenging. There are a lot of options that you can choose from. A hosting environment is where your data is stored at and without it, there won’t be any website, application, etc. The two top hostings that you can go for are dedicated hosting and VPS […]

What Is Cloud Hosting? Benefits of Cloud Hosting

What Is Cloud Hosting? Benefits of Cloud Hosting

  So you are starting a new website, and you start looking for a valuable hosting provider that offers an excellent hosting service. Amongst the different hosting plans that they offer, you must’ve seen cloud hosting, but what is cloud hosting definition? Cloud hosting is considered a type of web hosting known to use a […]

How to Launch an eCommerce Website?

How to Launch an eCommerce Website?

In simple words, an e-commerce website is typically a website that allows you to buy and sell goods online. The goods can be anything, from online services to digital products such as e-book, video games, music, etc. eCommerce websites are considered to be online portals for various transactions of both goods and services. Back in […]

The Right Time to Shift from a Shared Hosting to a VPS

The Right Time to Shift from a Shared Hosting to a VPS

Shared hosting is an ideal plan for newborn online businesses when there is not much traffic on the site or space shared hosting offers is enough for your needs. As time passes, you may conclude that you want more control over your site or your host tells you your traffic is increasing all the time […]

What Is Shared Hosting? Benefits of Shared Web Hosting

What Is Shared Hosting? Benefits of Shared Web Hosting

For those looking to set up their own website or have an online business shared hosting is a popular option. In shared hosting your website will have its own storage and cpanel on a server shared by several accounts. Now let’s see what is shared hosting, how Shared Hosting works and discuss whether it’s the […]

What Is VPS Hosting? Advantages of VPS Hosting

What Is VPS Hosting? Advantages of VPS Hosting

Virtual Private Server or VPS, for short, is a hosting service that can be chosen for your website. So, what is VPS hosting? Well, in short, it is a technology that shares the resources of a dedicated server amongst multiple websites. The main difference between VPS and regular hosting is its stability. If you compare […]

What Is Dedicated Hosting? Benefits of Dedicated Hosting

What Is Dedicated Hosting? Benefits of Dedicated Hosting

  If we were to talk technically, it would take us hours to talk about dedicated server hosting. Let us explain what is dedicated server hosting in simple words so that those who aren’t technical can understand it without any issues. So, dedicated hosting or dedicated server means when you have the entire server to […]

Secure Your Website: How to Fix Chrome’s “Not Secure” Warning?

Secure Your Website: How to Fix Chrome’s “Not Secure” Warning?

We are constantly visiting websites, communicating, transmitting sensitive data. Whether we are a site owner or a visitor alike online security is extremely important to all of us. Just imagine seeing a “Not Secure” message popping up indicating that there is a security issue with your website? Perhaps the website you’re visiting is unprotected, and […]

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