Website Design Tips

The most important issue in designing a website is to draw your website visitors’ attention in just a few seconds. You have not much time to persuade a user to continue browsing your website pages; so you should introduce yourself, your products or services, your benefits, and your competitive advantage to your users immediately. You should consider all of your website pages as a landing page which in turn they should contain essential items.

If you choose the WordPress CMS as a platform for your site, you can design your web pages as easy as possible with WordPress website design advantages.

In this article, we want to introduce 30 Website design tips which you’d better analyze each of them and check whether you have applied them to your design or not.

1.Determiner Your Visitors Journey

Before you decide to design your website, you should know what will your users do when they land on your pages. You have to create an effective website journey, and show the visitors the path to reach out your purpose. So decide to have an organized plan to create a good design and content which encourages visitors to read more or make a purchase from your site.

2. Use Original Images with High Quality

Image and graphics have a significant impact on your website users, especially the visitors who land on your web pages for the first time. Do not use stock images in your website. Never copy images from other resources. Just try to create your own ones. Have a presentation of your company’s environment and co-workers in a real place. Users always ask for reliable services or products. This is one of the practical website design tricks which helps you to create a great user experience and have a good presence in the marketplace.

3. Talk Simply

Try to speak in a simple manner. Your content has the responsibility to transfer your messages and get the users involved with your website. So any complexity and ambiguity in your contents confuse users and make them leave your site.

4. Include Your Social Media Buttons on Each Page

Website Design Tips - Social Media Buttons
Most of the internet users have an account on every social media. By including your social media links on your webpages, they can follow you and your activities on social media. Also, it is too essential to implement your social media buttons in the sidebar of your blogs And allow use answer to share your blog post directory into their social media. It is one of the web design tips which helps your brand maintenance.

5. Have a Mobile-friendly Design

Website Design Tips - Mobile-friendly Design
Most of your users will check your website on their mobile phones. So they expect to see your mobile-friendly pages. You should check all of your website pages with your mobile phone to ensure that your design is totally Mobile optimized.

6. Consider Call to Action on Each Page

Website Design Tips - Call to Action
When visitors land on your website pages, they need an inspiration to act as you wish to increase conversion rate. This inspiration is a text which calls them to do something that leads them to buy your products or services. Since you don’t know each visitor lands on which page of your website, it is crucial to have CTA on every page.

7. Let Your Pages Have White Space

Organized paragraphs help your visitors comprehend your website contents easily. Clutter on each page will confuse them. So let some spaces between your contents remain white. These white spaces help visitors to rest and think more deeply about what you said in the previous paragraph.

8. Consider SEO Techniques

Website Design Tips - SEO Techniques
Search engine optimization is one of the most important website design tips which you should consider as the first steps of designing in order to improve your Google rankings. If your website elements and contents don’t be recognizable for search engines, no one will find you in the SERP results. Good SEO strategy improves your online sales.

9. Provide Tempting Offers

Good offers will increase visitor’s enthusiasm to click and study more about you and your products or services. People like offers, off or any good gifts. Try to attract more visitors to become your loyal customers.

10. Include Essential Keywords in Your Pages

Use relevant and popular keywords with high search volume within your contents. Keywords are perfect tools to introduce your business to the whole world. Keywords improve your website rank and your business credit. This is one of the other web design tricks, which is so popular for years.

11. Use a Readable and Unique Font

Every word on your site should be readable. A wrong choice of font, make visitors skip your contents. For example choose Sans Serif fonts instead of Serif ones because they are clear enough on every screen. Never use various types of fonts, visitors like to see coherence between different parts of the website.

12. Easy Navigation

Ensure that your visitors can navigate easily on your website. Every element should be clear enough that every user goes through the path which you have already designed. In fact, it is essential to predict visitor’s behavior on your website and design elements as they can navigate easily and find whatever they want.

13. Improve Your Load Speed

Visitors are not much patience to wait until your web pages load completely. High load speed is another SEO standard, which has a significant effect on your website rank in any search engine. Remove any element or content which decreases the website load speed.

14. Choose the best headlines

Every person prefers to skim contents to find the best subject which meets their needs. Attractive headlines can help you to grab visitors attention and increases the time that they stay on your website or even encourage them to buy.

15. Make users scroll the page

Long pages help you to put more content on your page. Navigate visitors to the end of the page with attractive contents such as images, videos, and infographics.

Website Design Tips - links Intelligently

Using links is one of the most important web design tips which you should perform it intelligently. It’s essential to use the links in pages or within your blog posts, but don’t use the links which lead visitors to another website or any social media. Finally, they should return to your site and remember you as a source of that information.

17. Remove false bottoms

It is common to choose black as the footer’s color. Try not to apply the same color as a footer in the middle of the page. If any visitors suppose these sections as the website footer, they won’t explore the site anymore.

18. Let users contact you

Show your visitors how to contact you. Many of Each page can be your landing page, so each of your web pages should include many ways to contact you, such as online chat, phone number, email address.

19. Include simple sign up forms

Your website’s goal is to attract more visitors and convert them to your customers. Create simple sign up forms and encourage new visitors to sign up for free or give them some offers to do so.

20. Include your portfolio

Any person prefers to check your previous project and see how professional you are. Represent your successful projects and let visitors trust you. You can put your portfolio as a tab on the website menu where everybody can access it.

21. Create an interactive design

You can create an interactive design by using suitable dynamic effects, contrast, and a great consistent in your website design. Users need to communicate with your design and then start to explore the site. You should always pay attention to website design tips and standards which help you to have an excellent design.

22. Bold the main content

It is essential to separate your main content from the entire website content. These contents are the important ones which you set your goals on them. Visitors will concentrate on such bold contents and follow it.

23. Be aware of errors

Website Design Tips - Be aware of errors
Any error has a negative effect on visitors. Nobody would trust you when they face errors for the first time they visit your site. This issue also influences your website SEO and rank.

24. Choose a suitable host

The host you choose has a direct effect on your website performance. Website load speed, response time, and functionality are related to your web host service. Analyze your field of activity and ask your web hosting company to suggest you their best services and which will enhance your site performance.

25. Use a visual hierarchy

Website Design Tips - Use a visual hierarchy
Your website visual elements are so important in attracting more visitors. Before doing any action, visitors see such elements and decide what to do. There should be a visual hierarchy in the way you present your website design and contents. By doing so, visitors will follow the way which you have set as the site breadcrumb.

26. Choose a relevant color pallet

Choosing the best color pallet is another website design tricks in our list. Try to choose the best color pallet which fits your business. You can submit your brand by choosing special colors as your main website design color.

27. Do not forget your blog

Website Design Tips - blog
A blog is a source of great information for internet users. It is an excellent platform to use essential and popular keywords. Your blog may include high-quality images, infographics, and videos. You can improve your website activity by creating any kind of these contents.

28. Infographics are helpful

Website Design Tips - Infographics
Users are always looking for images on a page. So you can present your contents as infographics. They are simple content which transfers your messages in a glance.

29. Never forget to test

Testing a website is one of the essential steps in designing a website process. Act as a visitor and check all of your website pages on any desktop and mobile phones. Keep testing till ensuring nothing is wrong with your website, and everything is working as they’re supposed to.

Website Design Tips - Infographics
Check all of your website links for 404 errors. This is one of the common errors which any website can face. Every broken link can avoid visitors from browsing your other links.

This complete list of best website design tips will help you to design a creative website and attract more visitors for a short time. Don’t forget about these standards.

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