SSL Certificate

Buy an SSL Certificate to Block any

Malicious Activity

Every company should invest in an SSL certificate to create an environment of security and show the credibility of their business. Find a hassle-free solution to security with our affordable SSL certificates.

Choose Your Best SSL Certificate

Domain Validation (DV) SSL Certificate

$ 50 Starts at / Monthly

Standard level of validation
Displays trust indicator in address bar.
SEO Booster
Increase Website Security
Show Lock icon next to domain name.

Starts at هزار تومان/ماهیانه


Organizational Validation (OV) SSL Certificate

$ 85 Starts at / Monthly

Higher level of validation
Displays trust indicator in address bar.
SEO Booster
Increase Website Security
Show Lock icon next to domain name.

Starts at هزار تومان/ماهیانه


Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate

$ 115 Starts at / Monthly

The highest level of validation.
Displays trust indicator in address bar.
SEO Booster
Increase Website Security
Show Lock icon next to domain name.

Starts at هزار تومان/ماهیانه


Why should I Purchase an SSL?

Empower Your Brand Identity

Create a brand identity that is strong and powerful If transactions are required, no one is more frightened than a potential customer when they think that they’re not safe

Secure Your Website Data Transfer

SSL security allows you to secure all data that is transferred between the visitor and server. The high-quality encryption ensures that all data is safe.

Improve your SEO rankings

Google officially announced that SSL security is among the main SEO-related ranking elements. Implementing SSL/TLS is the most straightforward way to increase your rank.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

A low-cost SSL will make a powerful impression on your visitors. Nobody wants to spend on a website that is not secure. Make a wise investment that will yield a massive ROI.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

A low-cost SSL will make a powerful impression on your visitors. Nobody wants to spend on a website that is not secure. Make a wise investment that will yield a massive ROI.

Strongest SSL Encryption

Your site can protect the website from being hacked (attempting to obtain sensitive data from usernames) by using SSL Premium or Business.

Avoid Browser’s Warnings

The reason is that our SSL certificates work to all popular browsers as well as mobile devices, so your users and customers are aware that their information is safe and secure.

Increase Visitor’s Trust

Your visitors should be confident that you’re protecting the data they provide on your site.

Protect Personal Data

The public is aware of the security of their personal data and would rather shop on HTTPS secure websites. Thus, you must go through the process of purchasing and choose the key length 2048 bits to ensure a secure shopping experience for your customers.










PCI Compliance

PCI-DSS compliance requires the use of HTTPS security features on any website that handles customers’ online credentials as well as payment. To prevent surveillance and MITM threats, SSL security plays a crucial role in keeping cybercriminals from accessing internet-based information.

What Exactly Is the Definition of an SSL Certificate?

An SSL certificate is an independent verification of a website’s security. It confirms the authenticity of the Secure Socket Layer encryption used whenever a visitor connects to the website and then connects the encryption to the company or the individual who is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the site. SSL certifies and validates the essential security on the internet for any business that gathers data from its customers.

Different SSL certificates offer different degrees of protection, based on the degree of protection and security features that your site and users require. You might be familiar with the visual elements like Site Seals, which is the HTTPS protocol that appears on the page’s URL; however there are many less visible functions that can protect your site and its visitors.

What Are The Levels of SSL Validation?

Validated Certificates represent the simplest type of secure SSL digital certificates. They are the least secure of security among all SSL certificates. You can acquire a DV certificate in just a few minutes with an accredited certificate vendor. All you have to do is prove that you have a domain with a DV certificate provider, and they’ll issue you a DV certification.

For people who aren’t aware of the distinction between the two, an OV certification could be mistaken for the DV certificate. To get the OV certificate, it is necessary to confirm your domain name as well as your company with the certificate issuing authority. These certificates are more costly to obtain and are ideal for businesses that don’t require their clients to disclose sensitive personal data on their sites.

The EV certificate gives the best level of security and security for your website. They are also the most expensive certificates to obtain. In order to obtain one, you’ll have to confirm your domain name and submit details about your organization and personal information to the certificate’s issuing authority. If you’ve obtained this kind of SSL, Google Chrome displays an orange padlock on your website telling customers that they are working with a trusted website.

Switch Your Website's HTTP to HTTPS in Only 4 Steps

Switch Your Website's HTTP to HTTPS in Only 4 Steps

Choose the SSL certificate

In the beginning, you must examine your website and the available SSL certificates you require and compare them to one another, and then determine which one best suit your business and needs. After that, you need to buy an SSL certificate.

Purchase an SSL Certificate

Purchase an SSL Certificate

The first thing to do is purchase the correct SSL Certificate that is suitable for your needs. Without going into too much detail the way an SSL certificate functions is to create an unbreakable, encrypted connection between the browser and the website server.

Activate SSL Certificate

Activate SSL Certificate

The most basic SSLs are called Domain SSLs. They are instantly issued and need the use of email to verify. They allow HTTPS browsing using padlocks, but there’s no verification procedure that is thorough and only a domain-ownership verification. These are great for smaller companies with a tight budget who aren’t accepting online payment.

Install SSL Certificate

Install SSL Certificate

After you’ve purchased the SSL Certificate, you’ll need to sign off on the certificate. You can install your purchased SSL certificate through the control panel we provide you with. Domain SSL can be issued in a matter of minutes after the owner of the domain has verified the email address of his/her domain owner.

Manage SSL Certificate

Manage SSL Certificate

Once you have installed the SSL certificate, you can manage it through the same control panel mentioned above. In addition, every link that points to your website via your social media accounts as well as listings in directories with authority must be up-to-date. Only focus on those you control.


Get answers to your questions by requesting advice from our experts.

SSL is a shorthand in the form of a Secure Socket Layer. It is a protocol for security that transmits your information through the Internet with encryption. SSL encryption is used commonly by eCommerce websites to secure sensitive data such as credit card numbers as well as personal information. SSL certificates ensure that the information is sent to the server to be used for the purpose it was designed and is not in the hands of third-party users who may alter the information. You can identify websites with SSL certificates by the SSL certificate with the URL HTTPS instead of the non-secure HTTP.

Yes. SSL is a must for all businesses that operate online. It helps protect the user’s passwords, web forms as well as online transactions from unwanted data snooping. If you operate a media platform that doesn’t collect any information from users, HTTPS will minimize the risk of ads injecting and the tampering of websites. In accordance with Google’s announcement HTTPS is now nearly mandatory for all websites as browsers have begun to mark the website as not secure. Even Google is urging HTTPS on nearly every website to ensure visitors have a safe environment. So, an SSL certificate is a fundamental necessity to secure the customer’s data, increase sales on the internet, and increase the position of search engine rankings.

SSL/TLS connections are formed when a browser attempts to access a website that is powered by SSL/TLS. This sequence is known as SSL/TLS Handshake. This secure connection established by the SSL/TLS handshake allows the client that is used by the user (e.g., or a web browser) as well as a webserver to create secure connections through the exchange of secret keys that encrypt and decrypt the communication. The SSL/TLS handshake happens immediately and is not visible to the end-user. Here’s a complete explanation of how SSL/TLS functions:
  1. When a browser tries to access a website (webserver) it first asks the server to authenticate itself.
  2. Then the webserver will send an electronic copy of the SSL/TLS certificate as well as the public key.
  3. During the handshake SSL/TLS the browser validates the authenticity that is in the SSL certificate. Also, it validates the site properly by verifying the name of the website and comparing it to what the website is connected to.
  4. SSL certificate is made up of the private key and public key, which manage encryption and decryption in the SSL/TLS handshake that allows for encrypted communication. After the browser has verified that it is trustworthy and trusted, a third key, referred to as a “session key” is generated by the browser with its server’s private key.
  5. After that, the session key is transmitted through the servers. This session key can be described as an asymmetric one which is a highly effective method of encryption that allows for rapid communications.
  6. The server decrypts the received session key, and then sends an email with the session key encrypted.
  7. Finally it is encrypted and a secure connection is created between the user (e.g. or a web browser) and the webserver at the conclusion in the process of a handshake. They can now connect in a safe environment by using the session keys provided. The typical handshake for SSL/TLS takes less than 1 second.

Beginning on 9/1/2019, SSL/TLS certificates will not be issued for more than thirteen months (397 days). Any SSL certificate purchased following this date will be issued with the new length of time applied and certificates purchased prior to this date are grandfathered in.

There are three kinds of SSL certificates. We provide them all. Each one has different degrees of security. Understanding the kind of SSL certificate is essential for any transaction that involves the personal data of the user. Domain verified (DV) SSL certificate. The DV certificate confirms the identity of the owner of the website. It is the Certificate Authority that sends an email to the valid email address so that it can confirm its authenticity. The certificate does not contain any specific details regarding the business required. In addition, the DV Certificate has the distinction of being the simplest to obtain and therefore has the lowest degree of confidence. Organizationally validated (OV) SSL certificate. This Certificate Authority is required to verify the identity of the company, its physical address, and the domain name of the site. The process can take between 2 and 3 days. The certificates of OV have a moderate degree of trust and can be used on public websites that use low-level transactions. Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate. It can be described as the SSL certificate that has the highest security and is the best choice for websites dealing with sensitive data. Before the issue of the EV SSL certificate, The Certificate Authority thoroughly reviews the applicant. The process includes the review of documents from the company, verification of identity, as well as verification of pertinent information using a third-party database.

After you’ve purchased the SSL Certificate, you’ll need to accept the certificate. There are several levels of verification required before it’s issued; however if we take the example of Domain SSL, it is possible to issue the certificate immediately. Domain SSL can be issued in a matter of minutes after the owner of the domain confirms the email address of his/her domain owner. This is done by the SSL issuer; the issuer sends an automated email to one of a pre-determined set of email addresses such as [email protected]. If your hosting is shared the hosting provider can assist you in the way it manages the server. They’ll set everything up for you after you’ve signed the certificate.

Be In Touch with Us

If the information here is not enough and you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our sales team are happy to answer any questions you may have.

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