What is web server and how does it work

When you are deciding to choose the best wordpress hosting service for your website, you need to know about all kinds of hosting services to have a better choice.

Web server is a basic need for setting up our website and have an online business. But you should have enough information about the different types of web servers to choose the best one. In this article, we will see what is web server and how does it work. Also, 7 types of web servers will be analyzed that you can compare them in this unique article.

No matter if you have designed your website from scratch or had a WordPress website design, web servers are a good choice as WordPress hosting services.

Now first let’s discuss web server definition and check its features.

What is a web server?

What is a web server

Web server is the main computer whose role is to run websites and distribute web pages when users send their requests for each page. The web server will store web pages, process and deliver them due to each request and through the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) protocol. This is the role of the software part of each web server that delivers the content to the end-users.

Static content such as images, style sheets, JavaScript files and HTML documents can be transferred through web servers.

How does web servers work?

What is a web server - How does web servers work

As we sail above, web servers are big computers that can store, process and deliver content through the internet. When a user sends a request for a web page, the web server will process the content and find the best way to deliver it to the main user. But web servers are built with the purpose of web hosting which enables web server hosting companies to host various websites or multiple domains on a webserver.

So when you ask for server hosting, your website content will be hosted by a web server.

Now it’s time to choose a web server which meets our needs. Before paying for any web server, analyze their performance and the facilities they provide you with.

Here is a complete list of the best types of web servers you need to analyze them.


7 Types of web server

web server - 7 Types of web server


1. Apache Web Server

web server - What is a web server

Apache is one of the most popular and professional web servers which has been used by a large number of users around the world. Apache Software Foundation designed an open-source software that supports many operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Unix and etc.

By choosing Apache as your web server, you will be able to easily customize it through its modular structure. Its open-source system enables you to add your modules and apply your requirements to it.

Apache’s most popular features are that it has high stability. You do not need to worry about your current platform since it can be installed on multiple platforms successfully.

It is amazing that more than 60% of the machines are running on the Apache webserver.


2. IIS Web Server

web server - IIS Web Server

IIS web server is one of the most successful products of Microsoft and provides you with most of the features such as Apache. IIS will support any platforms that run the Windows operating system. Its negative point is that you would not be able to easily customize it and add your modules to it since it is not an open-source system.

IIS is used for hosting any website on the web with a graphical user interface that enables you to manage your website as easy as possible.


3. Nginx Web Server

web server - Nginx Web Server

Nginx web server has great popularity after Apache and IIS web server and catches the 3rd place in the list of powerful web servers. There are many websites with high traffic that run on Nginx web servers such as Netflix, Cloudflare, WordPress, Pinterest and so on. It is an open-source HTTP web server and enables you to add your requirements to its platform.

IMAP/POP3 mail servers are supported by Nginx and it can perform as a load balancer. It can also provide you with the features as an HTTP cache server.


4. Litespeed Web Server

web server - Litespeed Web Server

If you are looking for a web server with high performance, Litespeed has the fourth position in the high-quality web servers. Litespeed has entered the market as a commercial web server and absorbs much attention to itself.

You can experience a high performance for your website at a low cost just by Litespeed. Do not worry about the compatibility of this webserver with crucial features such as .htaccess, mod_security or mod_rewrite. It has been designed in such a way to support the most common features which you see in Apache.

It is also an open-source web server, then you can write your modules and run it on the Litespeed web server.


5. GWS Web Server

web server - GWS Web Server

Google has designed its dedicated webserver GWS (Google Web Server) and set it as its web basis. GWS is so popular as one of the subsets of Google services.

GWS hosted a large number of websites during the last four years and has the most popular after Apache, Nginx, and IIS.


6. Node.js Web Server

web server - Node.js Web Server

Node.js provides you with a server-side JavaScript environment. So it receives a smaller share of the market and runs about 0.2% of websites.

The built-in module of Node.js allows it to transfer data over HTTP. Node.js is different somehow from other web servers because it is a cross-platform to build network applications. You will have access to run real-time communication. Node.js is a powerful tool that can run JavaScript applications on both the server-side and client-side.


7. Lighttpd Web Server

web server - Lighttpd Web Server

Lighttpd web server is one of the most popular web servers for its low CPU load, high performance, low memory usage, and optimized speed. It is able to deliver the contents of large sites the same as small ones. This means that no matter if you have a large website, Lighttpd will deliver any content with proper speed.

If a server suffers from load problems, Lighttpd would be a good solution. It will solve the problem by serving static content and dynamic content separately and this reduces the load on a server.

This is open-source software and allows you to customize what you need.


Keep passing crucial steps to have your own online business, have a successful domain registration, design your website and choose the best web hosting service which fits your needs. In this article, we got what is web server and how a web server works. By this complete list about types of web servers, you are now able to make a better decision





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