what is .com domain name

While we see domains on the internet all the time, we typically don’t pay attention to their ends, which are known as Top-Level Domains (TLDs). The most well-known common TLD type is .com, which is an abbreviation that means “commercial”. Businesses prefer to go with the .com domain since it’s simple to comprehend, widely known and also appears professional and professional. In this article, we’ll discuss what is .com domain, .com domain name, and at the end, should you register .com domain?


What Is the Meaning of .com?

Everybody is familiar with .com; however, many Internet users aren’t aware of what the term “domain” means. The RFC 920 document, which was published in October 1984, established .com in the context of “commercial”. However, Internet pioneer Jack Haverty has suggested that .com might have initially stood as a “company”. At the beginning of the Internet in the 1980s and 1990s, it “was not chartered to interconnect businesses”, says Haverty, who was working with The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In the past 35 years, “commercial” has prevailed.


The Story of .com

Its extension .com is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) that is operated through US company Verisign which is based in Virginia. Similar to other TLDs, the allocation of .com is managed by ICANN. The .com domain was first introduced on 1 January 1985. In March of that same year, three letters were granted as domain extensions in the name of US firm Symbolics in the very first instance. A year later, companies like IBM and Sun also followed. To give an example, the nation-specific .co.uk domain was first registered as a UK high-level domain in July.


What Are the Benefits of Having a .com Domain?

154.6 million owners of .com domains had been registered by March 2021. However, the .com extension is still the most frequently used top-level domain in the world. Because it’s extremely popular, it’s not just corporations that register the TLD. Small and medium-sized companies, as well as startups and self-employed, can also choose a .com domain.

What is the meaning of .com? Many are familiar with the abbreviation as a sign of certain qualities like professionalism and seriousness. This is among the reasons that it is that the .com name is so well-known than other domain extensions that are popular. In the US, addresses that have .com are registered much more frequently than addresses with the specific country .us TLD.

The .com abbreviation is globally recognized, and anyone is able to register the domain extension regardless of the place where they reside. Domain names that contain umlauts or similar special characters are allowed. In addition, Japanese, Korean, and Hebrew .com domains are able to be registered along with Latin letter domains.

In comparison to other TLDs, costs to register the .com domain are typically very low.


What Are the Drawbacks of Having a .com Domain?

A .com domain is not always the most appropriate option. There are some advantages to it, but it is the most generic domain that does not have an assigned country name like .co.uk to the UK or .es for Spain. Domains that are specific to a country (ccTLDs) are generally thought of as more reliable (in each country) in comparison with generic TLDs.

Because of the popularity and initial release, the short names of domains that include .com are being used. The advantage of shorter domains is they are likely to be easier to remember. Recently extensions that are generic, also known as “nTLDs”, have been introduced and have a greater variety of domain names that are short. Brands and companies are advised to register a .com domain as well as the nTLD domain. For example, .io, .ai, etc.


How Much Does a .com Domain Cost?

You’ve now learned more about this famous domain (and are probably looking forward to registering it). It’s likely that you’re wondering what the cost of .com domain registration is.

As with all domains as well, the cost of .com can vary based on the domain you’re purchasing and the method you’re using to purchase it.

If it’s a well-known domain that makes use of common terms and keywords, and phrases, it’s most likely to carry a high price because of the demand.

You can purchase your .com domain name from an online registrar or could purchase it via an auction in the event that it is the property of a person. When a domain has been offered in the auction, it could come with a premium label; this means it’s being offered at a greater cost than normal.


Is .com a Reliable Choice?

The truth is that .com websites are as trustworthy as any other website. Imagine that you’re in search of an IT company that can help you build a new online store. The store can be found using the .io extension or a .ai URL extension. You’ll make your choice based on the ease of finding the company, whether you consider their site reliable, whether they have review sites, as well as whether they provide all the features you’re seeking.


Is the .com TLD the Best Domain for a Business?

is com domain name best for business
You may be wondering what you think, is .com still the most popular? There are so many domains out on the market it’s tough to decide; however, we do agree that Google.com remains an extremely well-known domain in the world.


Is .com the Best for SEO?

Since .com meaning in computer, and .com meaning Internet, in general, is well-known, it’s the most suitable choice to rank highly globally.

When a person wishes to be the only one to rank in a specific geographic area, it is possible to choose a ccTLD or GeoTLD that is appropriate for the area.

But knowing and establishing the intent of users is crucial. If a blog about cake recipes has been written in English and the goal is to be used worldwide, then .com is an excellent option.

However, if you have a bakery in NY, then it could be best to select a ccTLD that reflects the location where pizza is ordered, like .nyc and .us (or even the GTLD .cake! ).


How to Get a .com

Now that you are familiar with the .com meaning in English as well as its meaning, you may want to register a .com domain. But how can you buy a .com domain?

Most of the .com domain names are taken due to their popularity. And the domain name you are looking for may be available but expensive. However, don’t fret; there are many ways to secure your ideal domain.

  • Find a .com domain. Look to see if the desired domain is already available. And should it be, lock it down!
  • Check our domain registration tool.
  • Utilize the Whois Lookup Tool. Learn who controls the domain, and then present them with an offer that they cannot turn down!



In this article, we discussed what does .com mean, who is the owner of the .com domain, and how you can go about .com domain registration. The .com domain name is the most popular domain extension available. It sort of has a fame and .com meaning in the Internet means seriousness and trustworthiness.

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