What Is 401 Unauthorized Error and How to Fix It?

What Is 401 Unauthorized Error and How to Fix It?

It’s frustrating to try and access a website only to be met with an error message, regardless of whether it is your site or another person’s. The unauthorized error code or 401 response code is similar to many HTTP codes in that it does not provide enough information for the user to diagnose and fix […]

How to Test Your VPS Server Ping Connectivity?

How to Test Your VPS Server Ping Connectivity?

A ping test transmits an information stream to a specific IP address and then either confirm the absence of connectivity between devices connected to IP networks. If you get confirmation, you will be able to determine the “latency” (i.e., the length of time the system takes to react) during the test ping. A faster response […]

What Is Ping? How Does It Impact SEO?

What Is Ping? How Does It Impact SEO?

We generally use Ping Submission as an Off Page SEO technique for indexing our links. It’s a search-related off-page method that alerts you to new web posts, blog posts, and backlinks. This method allows you to crawl and index the most recent backlink. First, you must upload your content to these websites before you can […]

Managed WordPress Hosting vs VPS Hosting – Which Is Best for Me?

Managed WordPress Hosting vs VPS Hosting – Which Is Best for Me?

This article will assist you in deciding whether you should opt for a VPS (Virtual Private Server) or managed WordPress hosting. Does it really matter? The wrong choice of hosting can cost your time and money and could have other consequences. You shouldn’t be the first one to consider what is the best option. Finding […]