what is vps hosting unlimited bandwidth

VPS Hosting is a popular hosting plan due to its powerful features and affordable prices. With its isolated virtual server hosting space, it can match the hosting experience of a Dedicated Server. However, even the most powerful VPS Hosting plans require sufficient bandwidth to allow users to access their requests. The amount of bandwidth depends on the web hosting plan, but the bandwidth quality can vary between platforms.

VPS Servers come with plenty of bandwidth so that you don’t run out during critical times. VPS hosting with unlimited bandwidth makes use of bandwidth more efficiently than other hosting options because it is lighter and more agile. How important is bandwidth to the smooth operation of your website?

In this article, we would like to discuss bandwidth in VPS hosting and talk about what is VPS bandwidth.


What Is Bandwidth in VPS Hosting?

Bandwidth refers to the maximum speed at which a server can transmit data in one second. The bandwidth is the maximum speed at which data can be transmitted.

Bandwidth transfer is divided into two types:

  • Inbound bandwidth: Is the data that you upload to the server. If you upload a photo of 3MB, the server will calculate that 3MB in your current bandwidth usage.
  • Outbound bandwidth: This refers to the data traffic that you receive when you download data from the servers. If a visitor views your page and it has a page size of 3MB, including images, static HTML, CSS files, etc. This means they are downloading data from your site, and the server will count it as tape. Output 3 MB

Based on their policies, most VPS providers will offer you unlimited transfer in VPS server hosting and charge you for the bandwidth.

Other VPS providers may offer unlimited bandwidth, but they will restrict your server bandwidth speed. Usually, 100 Mbps.


Bandwidth Measurement units

In the beginning, bandwidth was measured as bits per second (bps). The bandwidth has grown over time, and the measurement units have increased in size, such as megabit/sec, gigabit/sec, Terabit/sec, Tbps, etc.


Kilobit (kb) = 1,000 bits.

Megabit (Mb), 1,000 kb = 1,000,000 bit

Gigabit (Gb), = 1,000 Mb = 1000,000,000 bits.

Terabit (Tb) = 1,000 Gb = 1,000,000,000,000 bits.

Other than that, bandwidth can also be expressed in Byte/sec or Bps.

100 Megabytes/s, for example, is represented by 100 MB/s and 100 MBps.

Byte bit Conversion Formula:

Byte (B) = 8 bits.

Kilobyte (KB) = 1024 B.

Megabyte (MB) = 1024 KB.

Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 MB.

TeraByte (TB) = 1024 GB.


Bandwidth vs. Internet Speed

Bandwidth refers to the maximum data transfer that can be made in one second between two computers. They can be measured in Kbps (Mbps), Mbps, and Gbps.

Internet speed is the speed at which data can be transmitted.


What Is Unlimited Bandwidth in VPS Hosting

There is no unlimited storage space on servers, and there is no unlimited bandwidth, especially when it comes down to bandwidth in VPS hosting.

Many shared web hosting companies offer unlimited bandwidth, domains, and disk space. This is misleading as every web hosting company has bandwidth limitations on the packages they offer.

Why do web hosts claim unlimited bandwidth? Because they know that under normal circumstances, sites sharing a shared server won’t use all of the bandwidth.

Hosting companies prefer to educate website owners on bandwidth and have them decide what bandwidth they need.

Unlimited bandwidth sounds great. However, they don’t tell you that your site can only use a certain amount of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) server.

These limits can be exceeded by a web host who can temporarily close down your site during peak traffic. They can also request that you upgrade to a better plan.

Before you buy VPS with unlimited bandwidth, you should pay attention to web hosts that offer unlimited bandwidth when you are looking for a host. Ask about their CPU usage policies and what they will do if there’s a spike in traffic.

The service plan you choose from your provider will determine the bandwidth limit. The bandwidth allows for more data to be transmitted, so the bandwidth is higher. All requests to the website will be denied if bandwidth is exhausted.

A professional website is not enough. You must also use a VPS plan with broadband. This ensures uninterrupted data transmission, particularly during peak hours.

It can create a negative impression about the business if the website bandwidth is not stable or responsive to the user experience.


The Importance of Bandwidth for Website

You need to choose the right plan for your site.

It’s not necessary to have more bandwidth than you actually need. However, if your site isn’t getting enough, it can lead to the website being down more frequently than ever.

The number and size of your pages, how many visitors you get, and how many pages they look through will determine the bandwidth required.

You won’t need a lot of bandwidth if your site isn’t new or has a small number of visitors. Even if the plan says unlimited bandwidth, a basic shared hosting plan from SiteGround and Bluehost could be a good option.

If you are unsure, you can consult a managed VPS hosting provider such as Rackset to help you make the right decision.

Even if your plan is smaller, managed hosting providers will not close down your website if it exceeds bandwidth. They will inform you, then make adjustments to increase your resources so that your website visitors have the best possible user experience.


How Much Bandwidth Do I Need for My Website?

how much bandwidth do i need for my website
You will need bandwidth and disk space to host a website online. The disk space refers to the amount of data that you can store on your web server. The size of your website will determine how much space you need. Websites are usually composed of HTML (text), Flash (images), or a combination.

Text is extremely economical and takes up very little space. Flash and images are more costly because they take up more space on the disk.

Your web page should be under 50-60KB, including flash and images. Because some people have slow connections, this is why your web page should be kept under 50-60KB. A 60KB page will take over 8 seconds to load for these people. Although 8 seconds may seem like a short time, imagine that you are forced to stare at a blank page for 8 seconds. This is a long time. As a reference, use the slow dial-up connection. Your website will load faster if you use slow dial-up.

You can fit approximately 20 pages onto 1Mb of space if your page size averages 50KB. You can store 200 pages if you have 100MB of disk space.

Bandwidth refers to the maximum data transfer you can make to and from your website server each month. This includes all HTTP and FTP uploads and downs. Bandwidth is dependent on the size of your web pages and how many people visit them.

Your website will require approximately 5000MB or 5GB of bandwidth per month for a page with an average size of 50KB. This is assuming 20,000 visitors per year and 5 pages per visitor. This is approximately 667 people per day for 20,000 monthly visitors. This is something that most websites can’t achieve.

You won’t need much space or bandwidth if you’re just starting your website. There is no reason to be concerned about bandwidth and space unless you have compelling evidence and reasons to believe that your website will attract a lot of people. If you do need to increase your bandwidth or disk space, you can choose a web host that will allow you to do so.


How Can I Check my Bandwidth?

You can check your bandwidth as a website owner by logging in to your VPS hosting account dashboard. Or any other CMS that you are using.

You will need to search the control panel for a section that lets you view your site’s resource activities. Each host will have a different look. This is possible because some web hosts display an icon or link so that you can easily see how much bandwidth your site uses.

Click on the bandwidth breakdown to see the trends broken down by periods. This allows you to see how much bandwidth your site used over the last 24 hours and the past week, month, or year.



In this article, we discussed what is VPS bandwidth and what you need to know before you buy VPS with unlimited bandwidth. Additionally, now that you are aware of the importance bandwidth plays in your website’s success, you can decide how much you want. You can also opt for VPS Hosting plans that offer unlimited bandwidth. You can manage any spikes in bandwidth requirements easily since the hosting provider doesn’t measure or track bandwidth usage.

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